Investing in yourself. 30 new habits marathon. Habit #11 – Get a new skill!

While we are mastering our skills it is time to get new ones. We love fresh ideas and we are hungry for them, don’t we?! Remember you are investing in yourself, join 30 new habits marathon and you will avoid a lack of good ideas or new habits. 

Never give up, balance your life, get new skills and move further making your life path even more interesting and exciting. Be open to new experiences and emotions. Never stop developing yourself. That may happen if you master and sharpen your current skills and get new skills.

Where may I get an idea of what new skill I need and why?

The easiest way to understand what type of new skill to get and develop is to ask yourself: What do I want? It is not about what you must or should. Remember that the answer to this question always comes from the demands of somebody. If you enter into your life a new skill that answers the question of what I really want, you will do that with passion and will love to repeat it again and again. 

My new skill arrived at me via inspiration.

Last week I went to Italy for a business trip. The places I have visited have been filled with Italian lifestyle that I admire with all my heart and soul. I love the principles of Italian culture of food, movement  – people like walking, riding bicycles, and doing different types of training. Everywhere – on the beach, in the park, even in city centers you can live a wellness lifestyle. You are close to the sea with sun and sand, staying so close to nature, you are blessed to have an environment where you may gather energy in a very natural way.  

Investing in yourself. 30 new habits marathon. Habit #11 – Get a new skill!

All this inspired me and I realized that I do want to change the way my family eats, rules to organize, choose and prepare our food, attitude to culture of food. I need to admit here that in my family in general we eat very well. But arriving back home I realized how many times my son eats different types of sweets. Too much! 

I started to think about food that my daughter likes to eat like a teenager. This gave me a big conflict inside me since I care about what and how I eat a lot. I realized that I need to make a big change here. 

Everything started from a conversation between me and the children. Even though I was extremely tired from a business trip late in the evening I explained why we need to take care of what we eat, gave examples of great combinations of meat and greens, and proposed the way we will change habits. 

I offered to refuse sweets that contain sugar because I noticed that every week my son’s appetite was getting worse. It was not easy to put tabu for sweets but we needed to cut it and start a new way. I decided to start preparing a new type of food in a new way and this is my new skill for this week.  

How to make a successful start of a new skill? 

Since I do not want to spend more time in a kitchen than needed I have decided that 15 minutes is the maximum that I am ready to spend for the preparation of breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 

I have a friend who inspires me a lot since she is a talented person in everything she does. I asked her for balanced food recipes. I needed healthy food that takes less time to prepare.  From the beginning, she told me that she never spends more than 15 minutes (Bingo!) to have her dinner done. Also, I got a tip to do everything in a very clean way to reduce the time of cleaning everything afterward. 

For example, in order not to spend the time cleaning a grilling machine, she puts paper inside a grill and then simply throws it after a preparation! I got perfect, fantastic recipes – all of them are balanced food with a great taste.

Another useful piece of advice was to automate processes in a kitchen. This week I have got new tools in my kitchen  – an electrical grill and vegetable cutter for salads. 

Investing in yourself. 30 new habits marathon. Habit #11 – Get a new skill!

Last week I made  different quick salads (5 minutes), tuna steak (65 seconds only), mango and strawberry smoothies (1 minute), strawberry yogurt tart (30 minutes), cheese pancake (15 minutes of a complete meditation because you do them at the end with your hands!) 

My kids have changed food habits because refusing sweets and snacks they started to drink water and become hungry. So that they eat salads with olive oil instead of snacks!

My new skill of preparing food with kitchen electrical friends makes me and my family happy! Will you try? Throw away your old obsolete way of living and get new life with a new skill. 

Meanwhile, I will say to you Buon Appetito for your next dinner!



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