How to leave the past and LIVE NOW

What is magic to live to the fullest? The answer is to LIVE now.

It does not matter who you were in the past, what you felt, where you were going.

All that matters – is NOW. Because living NOW you will be happy, you will be not depending anymore on your past.

Your NOW creates your future – your future well and healthy life.

What that’s matters is your NOW.

You are completely free to create any future you like from now to the future.

Every day is a miracle, it is a gift that given us to change ourselves, our lives.

Leave the past in the past

You are not able to change it. No use to think it over and over, especially if it is something that hurts you.

Good or bad in the past you chose the best way you could.

Information and our attitude, your knowledge changes through time, and your behavior that time relied on your beliefs.

As seasons change from winter to spring, summer to autumn.

As the shape of clouds changes constantly you also have the ability and rights to change.

Your change is natural as the season’s change.

We change our style to wear, our hairstyle, why not change our thoughts???

It seems so obvious but we still overthinking our past based on our old thoughts.

Be grateful for what you have, be grateful for your future that will be even more bright if you live NOW in a flow.

Remember you in your childhood when you were playing, breathing, not dreaming much.

You were happy for the sun, for the sea, for ice-cream.

All you wanted you wanted NOW, immediately.

Why? Because you lived in NOW, not in the past and in the future as most adult people do.

To come back to this greatest experience in our life be joyful, be easy, be grateful, live now.

Your way of life and your perception of air, food, feelings will change.

You will feel everything in brighter colors.

Observe your surroundings.

Live now and live WELL

How to leave the past and LIVE NOW

Be kind to yourself. Be kind to your past when you did not know all you know now.

All you did was perfect for that time.

Now the time for a new journey.

Kindly leave the past to stay in the past.

Take goods with you and proceed to flow in a path of the best living you deserve.

Unlimit yourself in all ways. Make your now colorful, balanced, make a process of feeling now, create your best experiences, and go on, move from now to your gorgeous future.

Today is a new day and new YOU based on now, not on your past.

Today you have new thoughts, new behavior, new quality relations, new respect, and love to yourself.

The most important person in your life is YOU.

The most important time in your life NOW.

Create You in Now

How to leave the past and LIVE NOW

There are so many nice books that I read, so many developments that made me grow inside.

In my blog, I am sharing with you all my own experience that worked for me it will work for you. I appreciate your time and trying to as short as possible to give you’re the most important seeds to grow and change. You will create your way, perfect for you.

I want you to change for the best of you, I wish you this journey and you will be curious to observe your changes. They will make you smile from inside.

Your core will be grateful for you and you will be united.

Live to your fullest potential.

Live well to the fullest.

Be the best version of yourself.

Do not look to the past.

Live Now. Love Now. Be Happy Now.

With great love to you,


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